Monday, January 17, 2011

Maha Pakshi Ganana 2010 : Please participate

Maharashtra Pakshimitra
Admin. Office - 11, United Park, Markandi, Chiplun,
Dist. Ratnagiri - 415605.
Phone No. 02355 - 253030
Email -

“Maha Pakshi Ganana 2010”

Coordinator - Mr. Sharad Apte.

Guide lines for Census.
1)Fill in all column provided for basic information such as name of the organization etc.
2)Fill in coordinates and elevation if available.
3)Name of the location should accompany name of Taluka and District precisely. Mention name of the state if location falls in other state.
4)Date any day between 24/01/2010 to 31/01/2010 preferably on 24/01/2010 Time for census is fixed and it is 7.30 am to 9.30 am in the morning. Please repeat same location in late evening i.e. from 18.00 19.30 for nocturnal species. If census is organized in evening prefer time from 16.00 to 19.30(4pm to 7.30pm) for evening census focus on Nocturnal species. Depute some birder at roosting colonies.
5)Mention book referred for identification of species, to avoid confusion in English names please put plate No and species no in column provided.
6)Be careful while feeding count. Do not feel tentative figures like 20 to 30 or group.
7)Species identified but not includes in list provided, please add additional rows at the bottom and high light the row in Yellow.
8)Activity Breeding means:- Nest building, incubation, feeding chicks etc. If you seen any one of the said activity please fill it in column provided for.
9) Location and distance. Cover at least one km you may choose any location from busy city road to sanctuary. You may choose any small location like house campus, industry campus, garden etc.. Try to include students form local school college provide experts with every group and try to cover one or more location.
10) Fill the attached sheet and mail it to & cc to provided on same day.
11)If you have any problem to access Internet please make a proper list as per guidelines and send it by post to above address.

Please make necessary publication in local news paper.

If you have any queries please contact -

Mr. Sharad Apte - Email - or

Maharashtra Pakshimitra - Email -

More details available at:

Birds at my place if any one has got interest :

    Monday, January 3, 2011


    Was going through some details of the RabbitMQ. Here are my notes based on the understanding I have got. Feel free to add your comments.

    • RabbitMQ is good in terms of Performance based on the reading that has been done from different blogs etc.
    • In general it has following main components
      • Broker : The RabbitMQ instance Running under ErLang node is called Broker. It contains all the Exchanges, Queues and Bindings.
      • Queue : Queue is the Endpoint where Consumer of the Message connects to the Broker. Broker fills the Queue based on the Exchange to which Queue is connected and Routing Rules (Bindings) defined.
      • Exchange : Its the one whom Publishers connects to while sending the Message out. Exchanges are attached with Queue using Bindings. Exchanges decouples the Queues and Producers so that single message can be routed to multiple places based on the Binding/Routing rules. There are muliplr types of Exchanges available :
        • Fanout : Message sent to Exchange will be sent to all the queues connected to the Exchange. Its kind of Broadcasting. Its like havong no routing key or "#" as routing key.
        • Direct : Message sent to Exchange will go to only that queue which has Exact Routing Key as Biding Key.
        • Topic : Message sent to Exchange will go to only those Queue which matches Routing Key and Binding key in a Regular expression form.
      • Binding Key : It defines which message will be put in which queue when it arrives to Exchange. Its defined at the Server end.
      • Routing Key : It defines the message destination queue routing which is patten matched or compared as it is based on the Exchange type.
    • It supports In-memory and Persistent Message Queues. 
      • Non-Durable : Its default behavior. Upon Broker crash/restart nothing will be recovered. All Exchange. Queues, Bindings info will be lost.
      • Durable : Exchange, Queues, Bindings meta-data is stored so that post crash/restart, it will be recreated. But data will be lost.
      • Persistent : If Broker node crashes, all Exchange, Queues, Bindings and data in the queue are recovered upon the Broker restart.
    • RabbitMQ supports Clustering.
    • But clustering concept is not allowing Data federation. It just does he federation/replication of Meta-Data of Exchanges, Queues and Bindings. Queue data is always Local to the Node only. i.e. Data will never get replicated across the Cluster nodes to have High Availability. Strangely, but, in-short we can say RabbitMQ focuses on on the Scalability rather than Availability. Following are some links which highlights this points:
               : Read it around "[16:39] can someone explain the current limitations of the high avaliabilty and performance clustering using erlang's OTP? I have read a powerpoint that says what is above?"